Niall Dalton

Niall Dalton

I write code and think about stuff.

About Me

Currently, I am a software developer at Amazon. I like physics, technology, and philosophy. Previously, I did research and ML projects at Activ Surgical, Northeastern University, and MIT Lincoln Lab.

If you're interested, here is my resume. Better yet, here is a picture of my dog.

Here are a random assortment of things I find interesting:


AMPED: Advantaged Markov Proxy Evolution Dynamics

A a novel deep RL algorithm that generalizes MuZero to n-th order Markov chains and combines the PPO objective with the MuZero objective for better generalization.

Scientific Truths Are Not Self Evident: Science, Perception, and Identity in America

Analyzed cultural perceptions of science with NLP techniques and big (Twitter) data and determined that science is often perceived as a narrative rather than a set of truisms.

Shifting Morals: A Study in Probabilistic Machine Ethics

Shifting Morals is a thought experiment inspired by MIT's Moral Machine. However, instead of deterministic outcomes, Shifting Morals posits that outcomes are probabilistic and that everything is up to chance.


Amazon: Project Kuiper

Embedded Satellite Software Engineer I and II, September 2021 - Present

Activ Surgical

Machine Learning Intern, January 2021 - May 2021

Northeastern Counter-UAS Lab

Research Assistant, January 2020 - June 2020

MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Deep Learning Research Intern, May 2019 - November 2019


Languages & Frameworks

Python, Rust, C/C++, Bash, PyTorch, Java, NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, FreeRTOS, ARM, MATLAB, Sci-Py, CUDA, Django, etc.


AWS (S3, Lambda, EC2, DynamoDB, etc.), Docker, Vim, Git, Linux, GCP, ML / DL, Scrum, CICD, etc.

Latest Posts

Axiomatic Rights, Observational Equivalence, and the Meta-Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

What does it mean for our rights to be axiomatic? What about an AI's right?